Sex 2.0 founder criticizes local alt’s coverage of Atlanta sex workers

Rhea sums up her problems with the article, in a letter to the editor not published at this time:

The first, and most obvious, is that Gower and Denby are dangerous vigilantes. […]

It should go without saying that posting videos of sex workers on YouTube is a horrible idea. What is the goal? Sex workers – especially street prostitutes – are disproportionately the targets of violent crime. Violent criminals target sex workers because they know they can get away with it. […]

[Author] Nouraee fails as an investigative reporter with this piece, especially as one for a paper that claims to be alternative. Terms like “transvestitute” and “real female” go unchallenged and uncorrected. Nouraee does not probe Gower about why Gower is so fixated on harassing prostitutes. He does not examine how the criminalization of prostitution perpetuates the violence that many people associate with street prostitution. He does not discuss the societal and economic conditions that lead to many transpeople working on the streets.

More here

3 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for continuing to cover this. I just feel deflated. I really want to word to get out and sex worker activists from all over the country to put pressure on these assholes.

  2. Absolutely!

    Feel free to use this blog to post info/action items so that we know what’s going on and we can make some noise.

    I noticed that the National Organization of (some) Women is having an ‘economic’ forum in ATL on the 10th-12th of April. Since many of us will be in town anyway, I was thinking that we and the women being harassed on the streets of ATL probably have a lot to say about economic justice and our perspective is probably not represented at this forum…. anybody interested in stirring things up a bit???

  3. Oh wow! That’s a great idea. I had no idea about the economic forum… guess that just goes to show which circles I move in (and which I don’t). 😉 I probably can’t go – as it is, I’m taking the 10th and 11th off work to tie up any Sex 2.0-related loose ends – but how bad-ass would it be to have a presence at the forum and stir shit up??

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