San Fransisco; The dance of the whores!

 Getting that SWOP Chicago scholarship and comming to California is already changing my life. I feel like I can jump tall  buildings , swim the seas, and walk right into the federal building with out being worried about getting arrested, perfect… I’ve accomplished one thing I’ve dreamed of doing. Watching Robyn Few dillengently ripping through the asses of California state officials…

  My hero! She ripped through office to office to address the issues that affect sex workers in the state of California… you know it all starts in the base where something  completely unconstitutional happens. Passion… from the people who know what the fuck the gov. does to oppress a group of people. Watching Robyn ripping new assholes of state officials gave me a new stance on SWOP.

Although I’ve come from a Chicago, non profit, super liberal background, I wouldn’t dare think of walking on our state building to tell Mayor Dailey that Sex workers deserve rights just like any other human being. Things in Chicago are different, our state officials are different, and the voices of sex workers in Chicago are not being heard… Perhaps that is the true fight in IL, being able to walk through city hall with a bunch of Radical whores, ripping the assholes of state officials, before we can have a sex workers right movement, we need an equal rights movement that would allow our workers to be heard and visible when our state officials run and hide….

Then again, in chicago, we aren’t really bothered as sex workers, we are bothered as activists. Strike us down because they don’t agree… I would love to fight for that mission, but my passion seems to be leading elsewhere.

I almost want to stay here in San Fran to help the SWOP movement as a whole, get it organized and get it together. I almost feel more confident in staying here, vs going back to Chi-town where I have nothing at all to loose. This is more of a fight and concern that I am willing to dedicate my life to. I want to be part of the movement and I want to make us a powerful force that pulls us into whore heaven… besides like I said I have absolutely nothing to loose… besides my playstation games…lol

And so, I’ll dance with the whores here in San Fransisco, I’ll fight for our SWOP chapters, I’ll force myself to learn to talk to people and I’ll be the best best fucking whore San Fran has ever seen….

~Mistress Seraphina Krow 

4 Responses

  1. YES! Robyn is my hero!

  2. You know Chi-town needs you.

    Also take advantage of the Windy City. It’s not such a bad place. Remember it is the home of organized anarchism and birthplace of the U.S. Communist Party. And you can afford to live there.

  3. […] Fee(PDF).  Mistress Seraphina did a great job of explaining how that went right here on our blog. I however was manning the signs, because they were not allowed inside the building.  While doing […]

  4. Yeah, stay in Chicago! We need you here!

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