My day..

I’m sitting around some of the best women I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting. This afternoon we were at city hall to fight the First Offender Prostitution Program Fee(PDF). Mistress Seraphina did a great job of explaining how that went right here on our blog. I however was manning the signs, because they were not allowed inside the building. While doing that we start handing out our stickers that say things like ‘My Body My Business’. We had a group of younger people that were headed into City Hall, and they loved us! They took a bunch of our stickers. But then the Mayor shows up! Tori got him (and happened to know who he was). He took a sticker, and he was totally cute. Tho he’s against us, which means he needs to come back to the real world, and stop playing with his cushy black car with driver.

Downstairs their are a bunch of scientists talking about bee sex, and how honey bees are dying left right and center (some 30-70%) apparently. We are talking about Human sex, and how sex workers are dying, being thrown in jail and generally fucked over by society. So do honey bees fuck over each other, like our mayor?

4 Responses

  1. You bring up great points here. Yes, we are surrounded by some of the most amazing women (and men!) in the world. It’s so sad that many people miss out on the opportunity to get to know us, sex workers are great people.

    I dont suppose that bees have the same social stigmas around sexuality, gender, economics, despite the fact that they do function as a colony with heirarchy, a working class, etc. Our society is so dysfunctional around sexuality that we accept the deaths of those whose sexual behavior is perceived as deviant from their own.

  2. Oh! Yes, Gavin Newsom is so cute! Why does he have to be such a jerk?

  3. will see all of you there wednesday
    can’t wait!

    gotta sleep

    Beatriz from SWOP EAST Chile says hi to everyone

  4. […] My day.. « Bound, Not Gagged “Downstairs their are a bunch of scientists talking about bee sex, and how honey bees are dying left right. We are talking about Human sex, and how sex workers are dying, being thrown in jail and generally fucked over by society.” (tags: sexwork activism prostitution important) […]

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