Check out Amanda Brooks and Jill Brenneman on KMUD The whole show is archived.

on Wednesday Night Talk. Wednesday 19, March 2008 7PM

The “feminist” caller that was “offended” and her statement about sex worker rights causing women to be viewed as holes…………………… I wish I could have heard her better at the time as there was a lot of distortion and she hung up before I could ask her to repeat the remainder of her question beyond the hole comment.   Fighting oppression by generalizing Amanda and I as causing women to be viewed as “holes”  Nice………….

One Response

  1. […] Check out Amanda Brooks and Jill Brenneman on KMUD « Bound, Not Gagged “The ‘feminist’ caller that was ‘offended’ and her statement about sex worker rights causing women to be viewed as holes…” (tags: sexwork radio audio Spitzer media) […]

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