Kristin’s Friends Support Her

Despite the comments about “everybody makes mistakes” this is a really great interview with friends who’ve done music gigs with Ashley Alexandra Dupre. See sex workers are people with real friends and personal relationships and we’re not all damaged and disfunctional.

One Response


    Tutela Valui

    What does it mean?

    The Teacher

    The Guardian

    The Guide

    The Protector


    The Strong

    The Valued

    The Precious


    The Delicate

    The Spirit


    The Butterfly

    Tutela Valui


    The caterpillar eats.

    The car crashes.

    The caterpillar crawls.

    You’re adrift.

    You crawl back up.

    You spin your cocoon,

    And emerge a butterfly.

    Your wings unfold.

    You are Valui.

    You drink the nectar


    Nothing can stop you.

    You’re sleek and stylish.

    Fast and roaring.

    Little Red Corvette.


    Vice kkkops!

    You run and hide.

    You fold in your wings.

    Tutela help!

    You crouch down

    And slip out the back door.

    You lie low.

    The danger passes.

    Thank you, Tutela.

    Your wings spread again.

    You are experienced.

    A professional.

    You are Tutela

    and Valui.


    I am the Tutela.

    I am Valui.

    The Butterfly.

    But you can’t see that.

    You distort me.

    Client 9 behave.

    Client 9 wear your glove,

    or else no love.

    That’s what it means.

    Tutela Valui.

    This time they caught me.

    The vice kkkops.

    “We’ll clip your wings,”

    they say

    “You’ll whore

    the prison guards.”

    they say

    Ahhhhhhhh, but not so fast.

    Your scarlet letter

    is threadbare.

    Your stockade,


    I sing like Aretha.

    My regulars miss me.

    Thousands of men,

    wannabe Client 10.

    Sleazy Port Authority?

    Don’t you mock me.

    I’m in a New York

    State of Mind,

    Takin’ the Greyhound

    Down the Turnpike-River-Line.

    A cab from Jersey?

    The client better pay.

    Tutela Valui.

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