Article about Sex workers in

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One Response

  1. This paragraph struck me:
    “And a system that allows johns to rape and otherwise abuse sex workers without legal or societal retribution perpetuates violence against women as a whole. It shouldn’t be surprising that a large number of women in sex work were sexually abused as children. ”

    Why would the abuse prostitutes suffer at the hands of their customers have anything to do with their sexual abuse as a child? Or is this paragraph implying that unpunished abuse of prostitutes allows for more sexual abuse of female children? And has anyone studied these violent men? Would it be surprising to find out that they too were abused as children? Are prostitutes somehow also responsible for their childhood abuse?

    I won’t disagree that the blind eye American society turns to violence against prostitutes (and women in general) encourages more violence. But the paragraph seemed to try to make a connection with childhood abuse that is a real stretch.

    Or I’m just not reading it right.


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