If you happened to read my posting from last Friday over at www.blog.myspace.com/swopeast, then you were privy to my cries of loneliness while attempting to educate a coworker, in my “straight” job, about the critical need for full recognition of sex workers’ human rights. I got into that sticky situation shortly after reading about the recent discovery of a serial killer who preyed on female prostitutes.
So, now, I couldn’t be more happy to be surrounded by persons who “get it”, who don’t look at me as if I need to be committed. A day discussing, and mostly agreeing, on SWOP national policies, procedures, and goals—what is typically routinely boring business—was just the kind of thing I needed to fill the void that had entered my heart.

And, really, I could say so more but I’m really hungry. . . . and I have to pee.

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