Join us at San Francisco Pride

Sex Workers will be representing at San Francisco Pride tomorrow!! If you are in the area, definitely fight the crowds and come meet up with us!! Also a bunch of Sex Workers have their own contingent in the Dyke March! Sex Workers Outreach Project will be hosting 2 booths, a Beer Booth and an Information Booth (with totally hot Whore and U.S. Out Of My Underwear Shirts!)

Sex Workers Dyke March contingent will meet at 6:45pm Sat the 27th on the corner of 18th and Dolores, directly to the side of the Dolores Park Cafe. Bring any signs, fabulousness, lovers and allies.

Our Beer Booth will be at the corner of Hyde on McAllister.

Our Information Booth will be around the corner on Larkin between Golden Gate and McAllister, across from the State Building.

We’ll have lots of GREAT information both for Workers and Allies, and ways for you to get involved! Come stop by, we’d LOVE to meet you!

Sexism in Prosecution

So a woman and a man were caught by police while engaging in sex for goods (he offered her a case of chips in exchange for oral sex, to which she agreed). The woman got arrested, the man did not. The woman had her mug shot taken and released, and now published, the man did not. Nor was his name published. The woman’s was.


Here is the story. (I am including the link to the SWOP LV News blog instead of original to try to give the woman some anonymity.)

Alleged serial rapist of prostitutes caught

While we have heard and experienced awful stories about police, I have to commend the Atlanta police on this one. They are asking sex workers to come forward to help convict a serial rapist who targets sex workers, and they believe he is responsible for raping at least 6 women. They are promising to not arrest them. I am hoping this will remain the case. But do we have anyone in Atlanta who can check in on this from time to time?

Here is the story.

Help get taken down!

Via, reposted from feministing

Call for action:
From . This is not just appropriative or transphobic, it directly threatens the safety and privacy of trans women:

Our site cannot survive without your submissions!
Spot a tranny or suspected tranny around town? See a hot tranny mess? Observe a guidette in New Jersey with tranny style? Notice trannies on TV/Radio/Billboards? Find yourself at a Lady Gaga concert? WE WANT TO KNOW!

Remember, if you spot a tranny: snap your fingers, snap a pic, and e-mail those photos to: !

In light of the murders of trans women such as Gwen Araujo, Angie Zapata and others, it is indefensible to run a website that requests readers submit photos of trans women (or people they’ve read as trans women) without their consent and publicly out them. This site threatens the safety of every person they post a photo of. Please spread the word and take action.

Please contact and let them know this is NOT okay.
The site appears to be hosted via Blogger, so please enter a complaint against their hate speech and endangerment of the lives of trans women.
Please Twitter about it with the #trannyalertfail hash tag.
Please send complaints about their Facebook page .

ETA: To enter a complaint at Blogger, follow this link: (Thanks queersubversion!)

ETA2: TrannyAlert’s response on Twitter : “Wow people really need to get a fucking sense of humor.”

ETA3: If you have access please post about this on LJ trans communities, as this account isn’t a member of any of them (and will have to wait for approval to post, etc.).

– gudbuytjane

You can go here,

to file a direct complaint to Blogger against this blog, you can also do it as many times as you like so please try to do it as much as you can so as to draw attention! Thanks!

Sex Workers at Pride in San Francisco, today!

A message on San Francisco’s sex worker contingent at Pride:

Please forward to all sex workers. Sex Workers Dyke March contingent will meet at 6:45pm on Sat the 27th on the corner of 18th and Dolores, directly to the side of the Dolores Park Cafe. Bring any signs, fabulousness, lovers and allies.

Love, Sadie Lune