Tina Fey on Strippers (we need to protest her)

I found this on one of my google alerts. I am disgusted by it. I think we need to act on this somehow. Letter to Vanity Fair? Protest? Blogging here?

But I love Sasha’s response.

Randy roundup 2008

From Love Bites, EYE Weekly

BY Sasha   December 23, 2008 21:12

“I love to play strippers and to imitate them,” says America’s newly crowned sweetheart Tina Fey in the latest issue of Vanity Fair. “I love using that idea for comedy, but the idea of actually going there? I feel like we all need to be better than that. That industry needs to die, by all of us being a little better than that.”

Tina, you assclown, what is it that you think whores do? If you’re not sure, you know, because you’ve never actually had a reasonable conversation with one or set foot in their workplace because you’ve been too busy mocking them in the squeaky clean world of television, let me make it perfectly clear for you: they act like whores for money — so, like, what you do when you play one on television. Well, OK, maybe not exactly. See, what you’re doing more specifically is profiting off the dodgy status of sex workers while simultaneously stigmatizing real ones, which is even more despicable than actually being one, if you ask me. To quote one of Hollywood’s most excellent silver-screen strippers, Nomi Malone from Showgirls, “Fucker. Fuck off.”


8 Responses

  1. The best protest is helping America realize that Fey just isn’t very funny, and neither is her show. Nothing like a little puritanical self-righteousness to make you NOT FUNNY.

    People in television looking down on strippers is like, well, strippers looking down on whores. We’re all selling something, baby.

  2. Another white and entitled woman….

  3. I can’t stand her. Never thought she was funny and really can’t understand why anybody does. She’s about as funny as a corpse.

  4. Love how women see sex workers as a target for their humor without somehow realizing this “humor” affects all women far more than a sex worker doing her job.

    And also LOVE Fey’s issues with Whore Stigma. I want her to actually be a stripper for a night, try to make money and see just how much work it is (especially right now).


  5. I have an idea for an online video action. Will post details on my blog later tonight. I think this is a great opportunity to speak up about stigma, open some ignorant eyes and all that jazz.

  6. Tina Fey’s a bigger whore than me and she’s paid better. Bitch wouldn’t make a good stripper anyway,.maybe she’s just tired of fucking her manager.

  7. OK blog entry up. I have not ranted in ages.


    I am also going to video blog about this issue and I invite you to do the same.

    The other idea I have is to send Tina Fey some information à la PETA about the realities of SEX WORK. This can be done on the personal level as well as group level.

  8. Great post Seska! I want to hear your a la PETA idea. I’m not sure that targeting Tina Fey is the most effective action, but there will be many more who use their celebrity to dis sex workers and perhaps we can develop an ongoing project to target this sort of exploitation.

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