Random Thoughts on the Spitzer Scandal

One thing I found fascinating about all this is the media’s use of the word “prostitute” and references to how exploited the girls are, then printing every screenshot of the ECVIP Web site they can find – especially if it has sexy girl pictures.

It’s sort of nice that the scandal involved a high-end escort, for once, but even if he’d been caught with a low-rate escort the reaction would still be the same, minus the “wasting money” and “no one is worth that much” comments; but adding more of the “what was he thinking” stuff and “diseased whore” crap.

I used to be a fan of Spitzer’s back when he was going after big business and the brokers/traders. He was doing some good and I had high hopes for him. Sigh. I need a hero. Male politicians don’t seem to be able to fill that role.

A pen-pal wrote me: “They keep saying things along the lines of “He wasn’t a guy who had issues with women”, as if any man who spends time with a call-girl (which seems to be the preferred word on NPR) must.” I hope NPR got a hold of some sex workers who could tell them that just because a man sees a female sex worker does not mean he has “women issues.” In fact, it takes a measure of self-honesty to respect a woman enough to pay her for her time/services, instead of assuming it’s her God-ordained female role to do it all for free.

I heartily dislike the use of the phrase “prostitution ring.” It was an agency and a very well-managed one at that. No “ring” about it. It was a business, people. Kind of like saying Congress is a “governmental ring” or police stations are “authoritarian rings.”

Spitzer checked into the Mayflower hotel under the name “George Fox.” Turns out George is a friend of Spitzer’s and miffed by the use of his name. I’m amused. This is probably the most attention George has gotten in a while.

Despite all the eyebrow wiggling over Spitzer’s “dangerous” request, he probably just wanted condomless oral or vaginal sex (his wife probably hasn’t given him a good blowjob in a while). While dangerous, there’s nothing unusual or kinky about this male desire. And, as Karly pointed out, Kristen was a good escort in making sure he followed safer sex rules. She protected herself and him – when his good sense left him.

This article believes the “rich” are creating things like the ECVIP because of demand. Partly true, but just as the poor have always been with us, so have the rich. From concubines to Venetian courtesans to the Everleigh Club to today – the rich have always had their indulgences. Nothing new about that. The only thing that’s changed sex work is the Internet – not the nouveau riche.

If anything good does come out of this, I hope Spitzer’s public financial extravagance encourages more men to unlimber their wallets for escorts – especially indies.

4 Responses

  1. […] Random Thoughts on the Spitzer Scandal « Bound, Not Gagged “One thing I found fascinating about all this is the media’s use of the word ‘prostitute’ and references to how exploited the girls are, then printing every screenshot of the ECVIP Web site they can find – especially if it has sexy girl pictures.” (tags: sexwork prostitution hypocrisy Spitzer news media msm society) […]

  2. I am just a lurker, and have appreciated your perspective quite a bit. But I am troubled that you would bring Spitzer’s wife into it (she “probably hasn’t given him a blowjob”). That seems like unnecessary speculation, and needlessly personal to his wife; IOW, it seems to me that you are usually much more classy than that.

    Otherwise, though, thank you for the quality and depth of your commentary.


  3. Ruth,

    It WAS a mean-spirited comment. I won’t try to excuse it. A lesson learned.

    I’m glad you’re enjoying everything else going on here, though.


  4. I have had a hard time understanding why it was such a scandel that Spitzer had sex with a prostitute. The most idiotic part about it me was Spitzer prosecuting others for having sex with prostitutes and then expecting that he wouldn’t be caught and prosecuted.

    I feel bad for prostitute. I personally would hate to be known as the person who brought down a politician through sex. I can only hope that she some how profits from this situation and that it doesn’t ruin her life.

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